
Thursday, 28 February 2019

Why are you sad and depressed and how to solve that

Life is a strange highway and it bring us lot of things which we have to accept or reject. But some situations make us sad and depressed. We have to find the solution and get out of such mode. Sometimes we don't see the solution and that keep us in a bad moods. Here are some situations and the solutions how to get over it:

1. Break down

Your marriage or relationship is over. You are sad, cracked, depressed and in a mood of crying. You don't understand where is the mistake and who made it. You are thinking all the time about it. Your sole hurts and you don't have energy for life any more.
In lifetime you will have several or more such situations. That doesn't mean that you have to die every time when the relationship is over. Just get over it. Do something. Erase and remove all things that reminds on your partner and make a free space in your heart and your life, because the new one will come. Don't go back or try to fix things. It is over. Go on with your life. Somewhere somebody is waiting just for you. 

2. No money, no job

You are broke, no money and so many obligations: rent, bills, life...No job.OMG. Should I brake a bank? or rob somebody?... Don't be silly. Just sit and calm down. Everybody been in such situation at least once in life. 
Make a list of your possibilities. You will see that you can do a lot of things. Make a yard sell. Clean your wardrobe, get rid of things you don't need. Sell it. You known to do things, to make things, to fix things. You see? You can earn from everything. Just keep calm and the new ideas and solution will come.

3. Death

It hurts, it hurts a lot. You can't except that there is no more existence of that person or your pet. It's your love and it's normal to be sad. 
It's OK to be in period of sadness, but you are alive and you have to continue to live. That person will live in your memory forever but you can't be sad forever. Just except and go on. It will be hard but you can do it. That is the life. Be sad a long period can damage your health and it's no use of long sadness. Nothing will change that situation. But you can change yourself. Just try to get back to your life and learn to live without that person or your loving pet.

4. Disease

You or your love one are Ill. It is very serious disease and you are desperate and asking why me? 
Solution: Get informed about that disease. Try to find a cure. Give a full psychological support to yourself or to love ones. You will make it and get well. The scientific fact is that body is following your mind so be optimistic, very positive even it doesn't looks like that.

5. Low self confidence

You think that you are ugly, fat, stupid? No self confidence and everything is going wrong.
Solution: We are perfect beings. So you are perfect. The only one like that in the world. Very unique. Isn't that great? Just add and make your personal style. Don't copy others. You don't need that.

6.Undefined problems?

Everything you think it's a problem is a just a moment of situation and your personal vision of it in your head. You can make it very hard and terrible and add the fillings to such projection (make a film of it) and your life be like horror, or you can switch to other mode or logic and be always happy (is that possible?). At the end you will see that nothing is a problem if has a solution. It is just our vision of things and wrapped with fillings. Is that can be so easy? Variation of life actions and activities are normal. Your body is following it. But the brain is giving the command. That is standard process and the master of such is you! 
Your body will listen your mind, and the fillings will follow.
The old proverb said: Beware what you think, it can become reality.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Don't be tired after a long trip

You probably heard the joke that after long travel your suitcase will be in better condition than you. Here are some tricks how to avoid the usual travelling tiredness.

Go West

This is not exactly a trick, but it is well known that if you travel on west, you will be less tired. The main reason is that it is easy for our body to accept the longer day instead of the shortened of it. After a long travelling, you feel tired because the biorhythm of our brain is disturbed by the different time zones. Also, the other parts of the body have their own biorhythm so they have to adjust to a new conditions.

Move the time for meal

To adjust your inner clock, two or tree days before you go for a trip, practise to take meals in a different time or in a time which will be in a time zone you intend to travel.


This is perfect thing to prevent tiredness. Take a pills of this hormone, which are naturally produced in your body during the sleep time. You will regulate your biorhythm.


The recommendation is after taking melatonin go for short walk outside on sunlight. Be carefully about the sun. The point is to be just exposed to a natural light.

Pills for sleeping or not sleeping

You need rest after all? Taking pills for sleeping is just OK for some low dosage, but don't get used to them. It is not good to sleep long period. After all, you have to move to avoid getting thrombosis.


After long travelling it is very good to take a short walk for 15 minutes. This will help your body to accumulate new energy.
If you have some obligations and meetings in the morning, the best thing is to take a cup of tea after a short walk. Just to refresh your body.

Low stress during the trip

Some airlines has audio program for meditation. It is good thing to be relaxed during the long trip. It is not recommended to eat or drink alcohol to much. Take just enough, no more.
Have a nice trip!

Saturday, 23 February 2019

How to have perfect body shape forever

What to eat or not? What is wrong and what is good for me? Tips and tricks for perfect body line.

A few weeks ago (or months), you notice that swimming suit doesn't fit any more like last year. O Goodness, you have some fats on hips, stomach, have something to do immediately. You take a diets, some physical activity and finally you managed to get back your perfect body shape. Now, you have to keep it like that. You can't be on diet forever! You can't be able to live in magic circle: diet - fat again - diet.

The basic problem for most people is that they have bad habits considering food, so after diet they are returning to bad habits of eating. That is not healthy solution. Also, strong influence of media suggest us all sorts of "fast and efficient" treatments and products which reduced our body fat very fast.

8 rules to keep perfect body shape:

You already reach the wished figure. Now you have to stay like that. How to manage such mission? Just respect this 8 golden rules:

1. Don't use "magic" supplements all the time.

2.Don't eat now sweets and all the things you have been avoiding during the diet.

3. Don't skip the meals. Have 3 main meal and 2 snacks, separated with exact time interval.

4. Don't eat fast. Just slowly chew.

5. While you eat, don't do other things: watch TV, read a newspaper, work on computer, etc.). Be focused on your meal.

6. Don't use big plates. Put one small plate in front of you with a food you intend to eat.

7. Don't eat fast snacks or fast food. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

8. Don't eat every food you see.

The simplest and most efficient way to keep your ideal weight is to have regular physical activity, to have optimal supply of energy and smart choice and preparation of healthy food.

What to eat?

1. Integral bread

The most common mistake is stop using bread. You can eat integral bread which helps good work of your bowels and restrict absorption of fats and sugar. Integral bread is a good source of carbohydrates and starch which provides necessary energy to your body.

2. Olive oil

This oil is pure liquid treasure of nature. This is the only safe fat because it doesn't contain any bad substance in it. It has olean fatty acid (55-83%), vitamin A, D, E, K, minerals (sodium, calcium and iron). This oil is good protector of your heart and blood vessels.

3. Fish

You have to eat fish 2-3 times a week. It is good because it contains all necessary proteins for our body. It will keep your weight balanced.

4. Garlic

Garlic is protector of your health. It is natural antibiotic and it is recommended to use it especially after diet to boost the immunity. It has essential oils (1%), vitamin B complex, vitamin C, E, iron and calcium.
Advice: Eat garlic 3 times a day 3-5g with any meal.

5. Carrot

Carrot is low-calorie food. (100g has 40 kcal, or 168 kJ). It has a lot of vitamin A, B1,B2,C,D,E, mineral materials and dietary fibres.
Advice: The healthy way is to eat fresh carrots.


Advice: Eat fresh apples on your empty stomach before meals.

Apple is very useful for keeping fantastic body shape. It consists of: diet fibres and has low energetic value: 100 g has 45 kcal. It has also pectin who react with water and gives the feeling of satiety, reduce the appetite, increase the work of stomach and reduce the cholesterol.

It's no wonder that Eva stole it from garden of Even.🍎

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Discover which sport is perfect for you

It is not proved that physical exercises make life longer, but it is well known that they have fantastic benefits for your health and beauty.
How? Physical activities reduce body fat, make strong muscles, boost the production of hormones, protects from diseases like hypertension, stress, high blood cholesterol, high level of sugar in blood etc.

How to choose the right sport?

First, you have to consider your gender, body shape, and age. The age is very important factor because biological characteristics of each age period determines your durability.

From 18 - 35 age

This is the best physical period in your life because the physical qualities are developed to maximum. It is important to have regular physical activities to keep and make better muscle shape., elasticity of skin and prevent subsidence of fats.


- physical activities 3-4 times a week.
You can choose fast walking for 45 minutes, easy running, riding a bicycle or any sport in water for 20 - 25 minutes.

Physically active persons

-combination of easy and strong intensity of physical activity, 5 - 6 times a week.
If you want to be in perfect physical condition, if you are increasing intensity and time of training, you have to increase frequency as well. You have to take brake one day a week to let your body to recover and rest. If you want to have good condition, make a combination of 35-40 minutes of running and 1 hour fast bicycle riding. Those activities you can combine with tennis, volleyball on sand, riding roller or water-surfing.

From 35 - 50 age

If you have perfect health you can choose any sport you like but it is important to warm up before you start. Choose the sport in which your body feel good. If you have any health problems just interrupt your training and visit the doctor.

You are not in sport at all:

You can start easy, 3 days a week, every other day. Start with a walk of 15 minutes in the evening, easy swimming or gymnastics in water. If you don't like water, take a mini golf.

Aerobic is good for women and men because of reducing fat around stomach area.

You are dealing with some sport or sometimes go to gym:

You are perfect for have physical activity middle strong, 3 - 4 days a week. Walk for 20-25 minutes and ride a bicycle.

You are very physically active

Till age of 40, you can have physical activity strong intensity 4-5 days a week. Do some aerobic exercises combined with exercises for strength: ride a bicycle 60 minutes, walk 45 minutes and run 30 minutes. Try to make strong your muscles on hand and back and for such tennis is perfect.

 50 age and older

You have less strength and your muscles become weak, the fat dominate on your body and the ability of regeneration is lower. But even in age of 60, your condition can be perfect. Choose the sport which your body will enjoy and not suffer.

You are not in sport at all

Start with exercises 3 days a week. If you feel tired, do some easy exercise. Walk 15 minutes in the evening. Take some exercises in water. That will make your circulation better. Golf is recommended sport at this age. Go to gym from time to time and do some easy lifts. For your age is very important to make combination of stretching, breathing and balance.

The situation when you don't have any physical activity and sport:
*you are ill or you have high temperature.
*you have some chronic disease (consult your doctor)
*you have some acute infection
*you have some problems with kidney or liver
*you have hypertension which is not under the control
*you had heart attack
*you have some lung or coronary disease

Remember: the best sport for you is one in which you enjoy and which you like to do regularly.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Sun - natural cure

Dermatologist constantly informed us about the dangerous influence of UV rays from the sun and increased risks and possibility of getting skin cancer. But, in small quantity, the sun can be very useful and curable.

Sun rays, thanks to warmth and light, provide the necessary energy to our body. The Sun is source of pleasure because it is great feeling to expose naked skin to the sun. The sun is needed for every human being. Some people even say that during the sunny days, they feel great in opposite to rainy days.
First of all, "taking" the Sunbath has to be something normal and don't exaggerate with the sun. Longer exposure to the sun without protection can provoke skin cancer and make your skin older. That average time, which is minimum necessary to human body is 30 minutes a least.

The positive effect of the sun:

1. Boost your wish for sex

You do not have any wish for sex? In such case the sun exposure will help you.
The molecular biologists, the winner of Nobel price, James D.Watson says that the exposure to sun increase the production of male hormones for 120%  and to female increase production of substance  similar to oestrogen which makes the relief of menopause symptoms.

2. Make the higher concentration

You are at work and you can’t concentrate? If it is sunny day, just look through the open window or take a short walk for 30 minutes on the sun. Scientific explanation: when the sun rays comes into eye, the process of thinking is activated immediately and increased for five times! This doesn’t work behind the close windows because the glass is like blocker to sun frequency.

3. Cure for skin diseases

Neurodermatitis and skin pealing: during the cald days, when the intensity of the sun is lower, most of the people suffer from skin diseases. So, during the summer it’s necessary to use the benefits of the sun.

4. Making a good mood

Every year the same thing happens: with the first sun, after a long and cold winter, you put the smile on face again and that life looks much easier and simple. No wonder, because sun increase the production of the hormone serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Beside, the production of melatonin- the sleeping hormone is very low on sun and its go down. This hormone is a main cause for depression during the winter days.

5. Stimulate a healthy sleep

If you spend all day in a room, in a so called: "biological darkness", where lightness is 500 lux strong, you will probably suffer of insomnia. Such light is normal for reading perhaps but it is not enough to influence the production of hormones in you. To start production of hormones you need light strong 2500-10000 lux. In a small or without any quantity of sunlight, the brain switch to " night mode", and the biorhythm is disturbed. So, we feel tired during the day and ready for work  during the night and not able to sleep at all.?! So we need sun during the day for good night sleeping.

6. Protecting bones

If you spend two hours a week on a fresh air, exposed to sunlight, you will done a lot of benefits to your bones. The main reason is that sun is affects the production of vitamin D3 in our body. This vitamin is important because it supports the transmission of calcium to blood and than to bones. Lower transmission of calcium is result of lack of sun. That causes the rickets and deformation of the bones. The lack of sun, to elders can cause osteoporosis and rheumatic diseases.
Now go out and have a nice Sunbath...🌞!

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Sea salt for beauty and health

Sea salt is rich with minerals such as magnesium, sodium and calcium. Those minerals are useful for boosting your metabolism, deeply cleaning your skin and cure the inflammation of any kind.

For beauty


Twice a week, use the salt mask for deep cleaning of your face. The skin will be smooth and silky afterwards. Mix 1 small spoon of sea salt with 2 spoons of water. Put this dilution on face and leave it for 10 min. Then wash your face with light massage. After this strong mask-piling, you can put on face oil or creme. You can also make the same mask with milk instead of water. 


If you have dandruff or some other problem on scalp like psoriasis or any other infection of the skin just put the 2 spoons of sea salt in your regular shampoo and wash the hair regularly, 2-3 times a week. 

You can put see salt directly to your scalp, hold it for 30 minutes and at the end gently give the dry massage of the head for 5 minutes. Afterwards wash your hair. This procedure you can do every time before washing process.


Sea salt is great for cleaning and whitening your teeth. Easy for use. Just take it on finger and gentle rub your teeth and gums. 

If you have throat pain or tonsils stones or inflammation, the best way to rid of this unpleasant pain is to use sea salt. 
Take a glass of hot water, put 1 spoon of sea salt in it, mix it. With this solution gurgle it in mouth for 5 minutes every morning and evening. This will clean your mouth, through and tonsils. The bacteria and viruses can not stain the salt environment. Also, the caused inflammation will be cured in very short time. 

If you have low blood pressure, just take one spoon of sea salt with one glass of weather once a day, to regulate it and make it on normal level. The taste is not pleasant but it gives quick result.

The external use of sea salt are fantastic in every way but you have to be careful how much you are using it internal, or how much you are consuming it. Just use it in small quantity with your food, because the overdose of salt consumption can be the cause of sedimentation of the urine acid on your joint and the cause of the pain in lower back or knees.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Ganoderma lucidum - Mushroom of immortality

Memorial Sloan - Kettering Cancer centre, New York, the oldest private research Institute for cancer, proved and published the health benefits of this mushroom.
In Japan, it is called Reishi or Mannetake - mushroom of immortality.
In China, it is called Ling Zhi - mushroom of spirituality.

Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum has many health benefits and such as:

-stops releases of histamine
-protection of liver
-regulation of hypertension
-regulation of cholesterol
-stops inflammation
-steps virus infection
-antiinflammatory effect
-anticancer effects
-antimicrobial effects
-immune modular effects

Besides of many diseases which cures, it is mostly used as a cure for cancer. Also it is used in cosmetic purpose.

One Chinese old text said about this mushroom:
'Chi Zhi ,(Ganoderma rubra) is bitter and balanced. It mainly treats binding in the chest, boosts the heart qi, supplements the center, sharpens the wits and improves the memory. Protracted taking may make the body light, prevent senility, and prolong life so as to make one an immortal.'

Natural cure for cancer

Ganoderma lucidum produces a group of triterpenes called ganoderic acids, which have a molecular structure similar to that of steroid hormones. It also contains other compounds often found in fungal materials, including polysaccharides (such as beta-glucan), coumarin, mannitol and alkaloids. Sterile isolated from the mushroom include ganoderol, ganoderic acid, ganoderiol, ganoderma no trill, lucidadiol and ganodermadiol.

Because it has immune modular effect and it can be used as a cure for different kind of cancers.

Inhibition of NF-kB is very important and efficient in curing the cancer of breast, prostate and lungs in last stadium!

The long years studies proved that ganoderma lucidum mushroom is a great cure for: allergies, disease of liver, provide good cardiovascular health and regulate hypertension. Christopher Hobs recommend it as a cure for mental stability. Also it is used as a cure for rheumatoid arthritis.
It is no wonder that they are called "mushroom of immortality".

In pharmacy, you can find it like tea or capsules.

Ganoderma lucidum mushroom can be used also in everyday cooking as a spice but do not use it so much because it has bitter taste.

In cosmetic purpose you can make face masks for improving skin complexion. Just use the powder of ganoderma lucidum and mix it with hot water until it becomes compound mass and put it on face for 10 minutes. Don't put on eyes and lips. After that, wash the face with water and voilà! You will have smooth and silk skin.

Also, you can prepare tea from ganoderma lucidum mushroom and drink it only once a day, to rejuvenate and improve your mood.

So, it is really magic mushroom.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Vitamin AD drops - miracle for face and vitality

You probably heard about AD drops. We usually give them to children and babies to provide them normal development and growth. 

But you didn't know about fantastic benefit of vitamin AD drops to your skin. AD drops can be like oil or water solution, which contains  vitamins A and D.
It is no wonder that professional sportsman are using it to make their muscle, bones and tendons stronger. But, vitamin AD drops can be used in a cosmetic purpose. You can use it for hair, face and body.

Every cosmetic product contains vitamins A and D, so why to spend money on expensive products when you can use the natural, original and pure vitamin. Vitamin A is very important to our health. It is very strong antioxidant, which provide good health and long life. It has a good benefits for improving eye sight, boost your immunity and rebuild the cells in body. That is exactly what we need.
Vitamin A is a name for the group of nutrients: retina and carotene.

Because of the great benefits for skin, vitamin AD drops are used as a cure for acne, eczema and skin burns.
You can use it for hair grow and make strong and long hair.
Also you can use it for weight lost.

On the other hand you can use it for healthy skin to erase wrinkles and make it smooth and soft. It provide perfect complexion of your face. The usage of this drops will prevent the appearance of acne and pimples because it promote the production of collagen. This AD drops you can find as a ingredient of most cosmetic products which are used for the face and body massage, as well as in creams for skin hydration.

The vitamin D has good benefits in prevention of diabetes type 1, basic cure for muscle pain and their further development. Also, many research proves that the vitamin D protect from cancer of breasts, cancer of prostate, cancer of colon, cancer of ovaries and swollen lymph nods.

How to use AD drops?

If your skin has pimples, acnes, black heads, eczema, dark spots or circles, skin redness, you definitely need vitamin AD drops.
Considering the wrinkles around mouth, deep smiling lines in the corner of lips, wrinkles on forehead or around eyes, just erase it using this drops. The results are visible in short time. 

Put 3 drops of vitamin AD oil on your clean face and gentle massage until the skin completely absorb it. After that you can put your make up. In the evening, take of the make up and repeat the massage with AD drops.
This drops you can use to substitute all of skincare products you are usually using because you can use it for every area of your face. Even around the eyes and lids to erase wrinkles and sagging skin as well as dark circles and spots.

For hair, put 3-4 drops in your regular shampoo or just put directly on scalp and massage before you wash the hair. This will make your hair healthy, shiny and strong. It will boost growth of the hair and remove the dandruff.

If you want to reduce your weight, just put 3 drops of vitamin AD drops in coffee, tea, milk, juice or any drink you usually drink. ( Not alcohol of course!)

So simple!

If you are using them for muscle and joint pain or as a cure for inside disease, take 3 drops twice a day orally, in the morning and in the evening.
This vitamin AD drops you can find in every pharmacy and the price of them are ridiculously low.
Be beautiful, healthy and young again.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Saving chastity

Through centuries chastity was priceless. So, mankind was always thinking to protect it physically and mentally. That is why the chastity belt was created. There is no exact date of creation of the first chastity belts but it is suppose to be in Italy in XIV century.

Some woman in Paris were forced to wear chastity belt which was made of steel covered with velvet. The size of belt around the waist was changeable, so the man adapt it as much as he wants and wearing such was uncomfortable. Previously, the chastity belt was made only in one size so the fat women had a real problems beside protection of chastity. The pain of squeezing was terrible.

During the XVI and XVII century, there was some kind of improvement in construction, so the round volume was 80 cm and down were four wholes for urine. This kind of device also was locked with locker. You can just imagine from how many diseases they suffered because of the metal between legs.

In Rome, the women slaves were obligated to wear such belt to be saved for the master. 

One of the most unusual chastity belt you can see in Cluny museum in Paris.

During the XIX century, when the woman was travelling far away, the chastity belt was common for use. 
So we thought that the chastity belt through the history is only for woman to protect her virginity.

What about man?

After the sexual revolution, it was rarely used. But today, in 21st century, we have modern designed penis cage.
The usage of penis cage is similar as chastity belt: to prevent erection as well as sexual intercourse and even masturbation. It can be made from different materials but the most popular is made of steel or silver. 

So the self-control is not necessary any more, just lock the penis in cage and give the key to your sweetheart. 

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Lady mantle

Cure for all woman’s health problems
Alchemillae vulgaris L. or Lady's mantle

The plant called Alchemillae vulgaris is perennial herbaceous plant. The origin of the name  Alchemillae is from Arab word “alkelmelyct” and it was considered as a miracle plant who protect woman health and keep her young forever. It grows around 40 cm high. This plant can be found everywhere till 2500 m elevation. The leaves of it, are green, rounded and big and the flowers are small and yellow. The period of flourish of Lady's mantle is from May till August. The picking of leaves are during the flourishing of this plant.

The health benefit of the plant

The plant Lady’s mantle has tannins, etheric oils and vitamin C. It effect against inflammation and bacteria’s. This plant is famous because it keep woman healthy and protected from different diseases. That is why they called it “Lady’s mantle”. In some countries, it is considered as a plant of eternal youth and beauty. It become famous because it is natural and most effective cure for most woman’s diseases. Lot of scientific data’s shows that the benefits of its use can substitute gynecological surgery. This plant regulates the production and secretion of women hormones and regulates the menstrual cycle. Also, it is the good cure for polycystic ovaries. According to some research, it is good in a case of cancer of breast, HPV, and other viruses as well the bacteria like staphylococcus. If you have some irregular bleeding out of time of menstrual period, it is recommended to wash the intimate parts with a tea made of this plant.
Lady’s mantle is useful also in a case of diarrhea, and can be used as a tea for successful and effective weight lost.
Lady's mantle drops are natural cure for:
- Fibroids and endometriosis,
- Hard menstrual bleeding,
- Hard menstrual cramps with strong pain,
- Myomas, polyps and cysts,
- Inflammation of ovaries
- Benning tissue hyperplasia

Lady’s mantle drops are strongly eliminate estrogen and make the walls of the uterus strong and that is why it protecting from miscarriage and makes easy delivering of baby. It is used also as a medicine for infertility. This plant drops showed  an inhibitory effects on growing tumor. Also, can be used for stopping increasing level of sugar in blood, it cures inflammatory of breathing organs, anemia and rheumatism. It also eliminate all the negative climax symptoms for older women.

How to use Lady's mantle

Prepare a tea. One small spoon of this plant put in hot water and leave it for 10 min. After that you can drink it or wash your private parts with it. If you are drinking this tea, you have to take two cups of it daily.

Also you can take a nice bath with this: Boil 200g plant with 3 l of water and pulled it into the prepared bath. Stay in bath for 5-10 min.
You can buy the drops of Lady's mantle in pharmacy and put 20 drops in coffee, milk and other hot drink, and drink it 3 times a day.
You will be great girl! It is like magic.

Medical baking soda

We all know the benefits of baking soda. Medical baking soda which we buy in pharmacy, doesn't contains aluminium and emulsifier. The m...