
Monday, 18 February 2019

Sun - natural cure

Dermatologist constantly informed us about the dangerous influence of UV rays from the sun and increased risks and possibility of getting skin cancer. But, in small quantity, the sun can be very useful and curable.

Sun rays, thanks to warmth and light, provide the necessary energy to our body. The Sun is source of pleasure because it is great feeling to expose naked skin to the sun. The sun is needed for every human being. Some people even say that during the sunny days, they feel great in opposite to rainy days.
First of all, "taking" the Sunbath has to be something normal and don't exaggerate with the sun. Longer exposure to the sun without protection can provoke skin cancer and make your skin older. That average time, which is minimum necessary to human body is 30 minutes a least.

The positive effect of the sun:

1. Boost your wish for sex

You do not have any wish for sex? In such case the sun exposure will help you.
The molecular biologists, the winner of Nobel price, James D.Watson says that the exposure to sun increase the production of male hormones for 120%  and to female increase production of substance  similar to oestrogen which makes the relief of menopause symptoms.

2. Make the higher concentration

You are at work and you can’t concentrate? If it is sunny day, just look through the open window or take a short walk for 30 minutes on the sun. Scientific explanation: when the sun rays comes into eye, the process of thinking is activated immediately and increased for five times! This doesn’t work behind the close windows because the glass is like blocker to sun frequency.

3. Cure for skin diseases

Neurodermatitis and skin pealing: during the cald days, when the intensity of the sun is lower, most of the people suffer from skin diseases. So, during the summer it’s necessary to use the benefits of the sun.

4. Making a good mood

Every year the same thing happens: with the first sun, after a long and cold winter, you put the smile on face again and that life looks much easier and simple. No wonder, because sun increase the production of the hormone serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Beside, the production of melatonin- the sleeping hormone is very low on sun and its go down. This hormone is a main cause for depression during the winter days.

5. Stimulate a healthy sleep

If you spend all day in a room, in a so called: "biological darkness", where lightness is 500 lux strong, you will probably suffer of insomnia. Such light is normal for reading perhaps but it is not enough to influence the production of hormones in you. To start production of hormones you need light strong 2500-10000 lux. In a small or without any quantity of sunlight, the brain switch to " night mode", and the biorhythm is disturbed. So, we feel tired during the day and ready for work  during the night and not able to sleep at all.?! So we need sun during the day for good night sleeping.

6. Protecting bones

If you spend two hours a week on a fresh air, exposed to sunlight, you will done a lot of benefits to your bones. The main reason is that sun is affects the production of vitamin D3 in our body. This vitamin is important because it supports the transmission of calcium to blood and than to bones. Lower transmission of calcium is result of lack of sun. That causes the rickets and deformation of the bones. The lack of sun, to elders can cause osteoporosis and rheumatic diseases.
Now go out and have a nice Sunbath...🌞!

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